목록⑥ PreSTC/Database (2)
Gentle Breeze
conn system/manager; create user scott identified by tiger default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; grant connect, resource to scott; grant create view to scott; conn scott/tiger; ALTER SESSION SET NLS_LANGUAGE=American; SET TERMOUT ON PROMPT Building demonstration tables. Please wait. SET TERMOUT OFF DROP TABLE EMP; DROP TABLE DEPT; DROP TABLE BONUS; DROP TABLE SALGRADE; DROP TABLE D..
=== Oracle 사용자 생성 ==== create user ID identified by PWD default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp; === 비번 변경=== alter user ID identified by PWD; ===권한 부여=== grant connect,resource to ID; grant create view to ID; ===권한 뺏기=== revoke connect from ID; ===사용자 삭제=== drop user ID cascade; === 계정 export, import 할때 === User export = > Uesr create, grant => User import dba 접속 /as sysdba dba권한 주기 ..