목록⑨ 직무역량강화 (84)
Gentle Breeze
▶ PERFORM statement The PERFORM statement transfers control explicitly to one or more procedures and implicitly returns control to the next executable statement after execution of the specified procedures is completed. The PERFORM statement is: - An out-of-line PERFORM statement When procedure-name-1 is specified. - An in-line PERFORM statement When procedure-name-1 is omitted. An in-line PERFOR..
▶ EVALUATE The EVALUATE statement provides a shorthand notation for a series of nested IF statements. It can evaluate multiple conditions. The subsequent action depends on the results of these evaluations. - Operands before the WHEN phrase Are interpreted in one of two ways, depending on how they are specified: * Individually, they are called selection subjects. * Collectively, they are called a..
COMMON JCL Statements / Cards -JOB Statement JOB 을 시작하고 알려 주고, JOB NAME을 정한다. -EXEC Statement (Execution) JOB STEP의 시작을 알려 주고, JOB STEP NAME을 정한다. -DD Statement (Data definition) 사용되는 DATA SET을 알려 주고, 그 DATA SET에 대한 정보를 준다. JCL Statement Format -Indicates a JCL Statement // : All JCL Statements except the delimiter. /* : Delimiter , JES2 Control Statements. //* : Comment , JES3 Control Statement..