목록IBM (23)
Gentle Breeze
▶ 날짜 포멧 변환표 'YYYY.MM.DD' REPLACE(CHAR(DATE(date_exp),ISO), '-', '.') 'HH:MI:SS' CHAR(TIME(date_exp) , JIS ) 'YYYY/MM/DD' REPLACE(CHAR(DATE(date_exp), ISO), '-', '/') 'YYYYMMDD' CHAR(DATE(date_exp)) 'HH24:MI:SS' CHAR(TIME(date_exp) ) 'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI' REPLACE(CHAR(DATE(date_exp), ISO), '-', '.') || CAST( TIME(date_exp) AS CHAR(5)) 'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS' REPLACE(CHAR(DATE(date_exp), ISO), '-',..
▶ 간단한 DB2 함수들 (Simple DB2 Functions) - 기본정보보기 DESCRIBE TABLE table-name [show detail] DESCRIBE SELECT * FROM tablename; - 인덱스 정보보기 DESCRIBE INDEXES FOR TABLE table-name [show detail] - 등록 테이블 리스트 보기 LIST TABLES FOR ALL ; - LOCK 상태 확인 GET SNAPSHOT FOR LOCKS ON depsdb 유지되는 잠금, 현재 잠금대기중인 에이전트, 응용프로그램명, 응용프로그램 상태, 총대기시간, 모드상태 등을 확인 SELECT * FROM staff FETCH FIRST 5 ROWS ONLY 라고 하면 하면 처음 5개의 row가 나옵니..
▶ PERFORM with UNTIL phrase In the UNTIL phrase format, the procedures referred to are performed until the condition specified by the UNTIL phrase is true. Control is then passed to the next executable statement following the PERFORM statement. If procedure-name-1 is specified, imperative-statement-1 and the END-PERFORM phrase must not be specified. condition-1 Can be any condition described und..
▶ PERFORM with VARYING phrase The VARYING phrase increases or decreases the value of one or more identifiers or index-names, according to certain rules. The format-4 VARYING phrase PERFORM statement can serially search an entire seven-dimensional table. If procedure-name-1 is specified, imperative-statement-1 and the END-PERFORM phrase must not be specified. If procedure-name-1 is omitted, the A..
▶ PERFORM with TIMES phrase The procedures referred to in the TIMES phrase PERFORM statement are executed the number of times specified by the value in identifier-1 or integer-1. Control then passes to the next executable statement following the PERFORM statement. If procedure-name-1 is specified, imperative-statement-1 and the END-PERFORM phrase must not be specified. identifier-1 Must name an ..